Which Fireworks Are You?

Wee too are fireworks…feel free to share image!

What kind of fireworks are you?

Ponder this as you enjoy your Independence Day, 4th of July holiday fireworks…


We start in a tube. Full of potential.
God only knows how much.

Then, with a scream we are born.
The crowd goes wild. So bright. So new. Amazing!

Where are we headed? God only knows the path
we’ll take. So exciting to anticipate and watch.

We rise, higher and higher.

Some, it turns out, are just big noise. Loud, but
they don’t shed much light. They can be scary.

Some turn out to be duds. You might know a few.

Some are especially bold, colorful, move fast.
We love them. They make us smile and laugh.

Some, begin bright as stars; then burn out quickly.
Showbiz and sports seems to attract them.

Some are not especially bright nor loud. But they
go the distance with such grace, in a steady and
gentle arc across the sky. Then, as the end grows
near, they slowly and quietly fade out as the
crowd goes, “ooo!”

We’re all a bit like fireworks.

Amazing. Unique. Exciting to watch. Full of energy,
potential, wonder, and light. All won’t see it though.

We come. And then we’re gone. And the world sits
quietly for a moment in fond remebrance.
Then returns to their day-to-day business. Life.

Another generation surely follows to entertain.
How will they be? Dud? Noise? Light?

I hope they’ll be light. Bright as the dickens.

The world needs more light.

Which kind are you?


Whether you go see a town sponsored event, launch a few in your backyard, or simply listen to those nearby as you go about your regular business, it’s hard to escape the sound or sight of fireworks here in America on the 4th of July.

They come, and then they’re gone.

In the great scheme of things, so are you and I.

We tend to take our independence for granted. As we do our own lives and the lives of others.

All are precious. Precarious. Hence worthy of daily gratitude.

Think about that as we celebrate our independence.

Our freedom. Our life.

You can choose to be a light or a blight on the world.

I hope you’ll choose light.


Bob (Elderbob) Schwarztrauber

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