time for change

Reverse Aging by Thinking Backward

This article was inspired by a Youtube video I watched this morning between multi-millionaire businessman Alex Hormozi, and popular podcast host Lewis Howes. I’ll put the link to that video later in the article.

The premise comes from advice by billionaire investor Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s long time business partner. Charlie’s advice was that it is often easier to solve a problem by looking at the opposite.

By thinking backward.

For example, and this is the one Alex talked about. Instead of wondering, “How do I get rich”, as so many people do, explore the opposite. “How could I stay poor”. Those answers come much easier.

Then, the obvious answer, is to just do the opposite of that to get rich.

To jump right into today’s topic, want to live a longer, healthier life?

Think backward, “How could I die sooner and sicker?”

  • Don’t take your medicine as prescribed. Or at all. This will most certainly cause you to die sooner.

Do you want to live longer? Ok, good. Then do the opposite. Take all your meds as prescribed daily.

  • Don’t exercise regularly, or at all. Just sit and watch TV all day. Park as close as you can at the store to avoid steps. Take the elevator instead of the stairs. Avoid the gym at all cost.

Want to live a longer, healthier life? Do the opposite! Exercise while you watch TV! Park a little farther from the entrance. Take the stairs. Find every opportunity you can to get some exercise while you do your normal daily stuff.

  • Don’t talk to anyone. If you do, be discourteous, rude, mean. This will ensure that you’re always alone, lonely and thought poorly of. Don’t have anything nice to say. Criticize others at every opportunity.

Want to be included, loved? Do the opposite.

  • Don’t learn any new skill. Stop learning altogether. Complain and get frustrated because you can’t work the new remote. You can’t use your cell phone. The computer is too confusing. You don’t know where anything is. Those damn self-checkout counters never work.

Want to feel empowered? Connected? Capable? Take the time to learn. Classes, online videos, books, family members can all help. And most often, they are eager to. Ask for help. Or do the opposite – don’t ever ask for help! (sarcasm)

  • Learn, then do nothing. Read the helpful book, then do nothing. Don’t change your habits. Don’t cook the new recipe. Don’t do that new exercise. Don’t apply that financial or tax advice. Keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing and expect things to change.

Want real change in your life?

Learn then do!

Actually do what the experts advise. Start small. Implement one thing for a week, or this month. Add another. Then another. Create new habits. “Inch by inch, it’s a cinch!”

Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. – Bill Gates

I’ll add more in future articles. But see if you can build your own “Opposites List” to solve any problem you’ve been having. It’s fun and really helps you gain clarity and perspective. The errors, the obstacles to your progress become obvious when you think backward. Think opposite.

Here’s the link I promised to that Lewis Howe/Alex Hormozi video:

The Common Habits That Keep Everyone Poor!

If you’d like to see change in your life, take a few moments today, preferably with paper and pen, to list those things that you’d have to do to keep everything the same (the opposite of change).

What would you have to keep doing, to prevent things from changing? Then, don’t do that!

The old joke goes, “Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I go like this!”

Doctor: “Don’t go like that.”

Sometimes the simplest advice is also the best advice.

Want to do something that is new and fun? That causes you to learn and grow? That could also provide passive income for years to come? Why not write and publish your own book, or books – like I did!

The fast and simple method I used is included in the ad link below.

“Bene Vivere!”

Bob “Elderbob” Schwarztrauber

Image of Author Robert Schwarztrauber  Signature Box

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