how much caffeine

Your Safest Caffeine Level

Discover your safest caffeine level, right here, today.

It’s 9 am as I type this on a dim Tuesday morning. A cool Spring rain falls outside.

So of course, right beside me is a steaming white mug of hot black coffee. My second cup so far today.

Oh. I should probably confess that I also put a teaspoon of instant coffee into my morning chocolate protein milk each day.

Is that too much caffeine?

How much even IS too much caffeine?

Most of us, including me until now, have no idea how much “TOO MUCH” caffeine is.

Until we experience the symptoms of excessive consumption.

These symptoms might manifest as:

  • A jittery feeling
  • Nervousness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Racing mind
  • Shaking
  • Heart palpitations
  • Trouble sleeping/Insomnia
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Frequent or Urgent need to pee
  • Incontinence
  • Heartburn
  • Muscle Breakdown
  • Rebound Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Addiction
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Addiction Withdrawl

Fortunately, there is a website I found this week that addresses all things caffeine.

Including a calculator which helps you determine how much caffeine is safe for you.

It’s called appropriately,

Here you can discover all sorts of facts and figures about caffeine. It’s well laid out and I found it a fascinating read. I learned a lot. Especially about all the different beverages that contain caffeine and at what levels.

It should be said, however, that this website provides only a general guide to caffeine consumption.

We humans, being what we are, have different tolerances and reactions to substances based upon our particular genetic makeups and unique histories.

While this website is a wealth of knowledge on all things caffeine – I learned a ton – one should take the information as guide rather than prescription.

It seems, based upon that site’s recommendation, that I do indeed consume too much caffeine.

However, I do not experience any of the negative side effects. None.

Therefore, until proven otherwise, I must conclude that my body is genetically up to the task of processing my intake of 400+ mg of caffeine daily.

Accordingly, I will continue to consume approximately 4 cups of coffee equivalent per day as a test.

But mostly because I enjoy it.

And isn’t that what life’s all about?

Enjoying the simple pleasures.

Sometimes I’ll pop a shot of Kahlua, the Mexican coffee liqueur into my coffee or chocolate protein milk as a treat! It’s also good on ice cream…ooooo! I love the flavor of coffee.

Be safe though. Drink responsibly. Coffee and all beverages.

That’s how we’ll bring maximum enjoyment along on this journey to become centenarians.

Bene Vivere!”

Bob “Elderbob” Schwarztrauber

P.S. I was a little surprised (and proud) to learn that folks 50 – 64 consume the most coffee. Good for us. I’m clearly doing my part to keep us on top. Cheers!

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