can this reverse aging

Reverse Age Decline by Going Backward

Wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow turn back the hands of time?

Reverse age decline by going backward somehow?

Well, the second technique I mentioned in a previous post, which can jump start your brain, and reduce the dullness, the fog, the mental boredom, and the memory decline – is something you can also apply to nearly everything you do. It can help relieve many of the physical ailments as well.

It too, fully engages our brain, like slow, forcing it to grow new cells and create new neural pathways – at any age. This is something previously not thought possible in our later years. But recent scientific studies have shown conclusively that we can create new neural pathways throughout our entire lifespan.

But how?

One Way to Reversing Decline is by Going Backward

Let’s jump start that brain!

This next, very effective technique to spark the brain into higher function is to do the things you normally do – only do them backward!

Walk backward. Do the monkeybars backward. Write backward.
Draw backward. Or better yet, draw upside down AND backward.

How does this work?

Backwards, or reversal, works to grow new brain cells and create new neural pathways in the brain because it causes us to think and problem solve at a higher than normal level.

It disengage the logical, lazy memory brain.

Our memory of how to do things, once we’ve mastered the technique, gets stored away in our subconscious brain. This means we no longer have to THINK about “how to do it”, our brain just plays the recorded “tape” anytime the action is called for.

Here are some examples of our recorded “tapes”…

As toddlers, we all stumble around, fall, try again, until we finally learn to walk. Once mastered though, the “How To Walk” tape gets stored away in our subconscious memory brain, then played back every time we think, “need to walk over there.” And we do it flawlessly. Year after year for the rest of our life.

Once we’ve mastered how to make our hand write letters and words, that’s a recorded tape we play every time we have to write after that. We can replay that tape too, all of our life. Unless and until something like a stroke or other damage to our brain, nerves, muscles, or limbs occurs.

This is how we drive a car once we’ve learned. In the beginning, our thinking brain makes our hands turn the wheel just so. Makes our foot press the gas peddle just so. We brake. We turn. We keep doing all these intertwined actions until we get it right. Then, our correct actions are stored away in our memory for future use.

Driving a car, which was once so complicated, then becomes easy. Where it once required all of our concentration power, we can now talk as we drive, and listen to the radio. We can eat a hamburger and fries. We talk and text on our smart phones as we drive – even though we know we shouldn’t. We’ll often get to our destination and recall very little about the trip. We were, in essence, on “auto-pilot”. Our subconscious “brain tape” did all the driving from memory.

Last example…‘cuz it’s a fascinating phenomenon.

In my drawing course, we were given the task of replicating a simple line drawing of a man sitting on a stool. We placed the page with the original image on the left side, and our blank drawing paper on the right.

Just before beginning the task, the instructor said, “Wait!”

“Turn your original line drawing upside down. The man in the image was now upside down AND backward.

“Now”, he said. “Begin your reproduction drawing starting with his feet. We do this so you will only draw what you see with your eyes, line by line, using only your thinking brain. Otherwise, if the drawing were to remain upright, your left brain would interfere and lead you to draw what you think you know about a man sitting on a stool. It will be easier to spot your errors when you replicate a drawing in this way.”

These are some common examples. Behavioral scientists have found that more than 40% of our daily actions are from habit. They require no thinking at all. Imagine how much more we do from habit once retired and without he need to problem solve daily.

Such a waste of our glorious Thinking Brain!

When we make a change from the usual, it sets different brain “gears” in motion.

We are forced then to “think” rather than act from auto-pilot, or habit, or memory.

This works for so many things once we begin to do things – in a “backward” way.

Consider this, you know the alphabet so well. Why is it so hard then, to recite it backward?

Because you have to think it then, rather than just recite it from memory. We all know the A-B-C song right? Even though we learned it 60+ years ago!

But if you practice the alphabet backward often enough, at some point, the correct version will be recorded in your subconscious brain too. And you will recite it backward just as well as forward then – for the rest of your life! New cells were formed. Neural pathways created.

You grow your brain!

I experienced this firsthand. Over 2 years ago I did the memorization work and until now I recall it, just as fresh as ever!

“zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba” (strangely enough, that same blasted A-B-C song still plays with it!)

At the advice of a mentor, I also started backward walking – which helped to eliminate (reverse) my chronic knee pain.

Then I started backward cursive handwriting – which is like code you can read in a mirror. Ben Franklin and several other smart people have been known to journal this way. I even learned to write cursive backward with my non-dominant hand – as well as with my right hand!

When I had a stroke affecting my left side years ago, immediately upon arriving to my hospital room, I asked for a pen and paper to begin my left-handed writing practicing. It was difficult at first. But I credit that fast action now as the reason I have no lasting effects from the stroke.

Doing things backward is a great way to build your brain. It also develops and preserves your fine muscle motor skills.

“Backward” brings a new excitement and challenge to every ordinary activity!

When you strive to learn new ways of doing things, it renews your spirit, your hopefulness, and your confidence.

As a bonus, you can really impress your grandkids when you teach them the backward handwriting technique. It can then be your secret message code! All you need is a mirror to read it!

Teach you grandkids the Secret Backward Handwriting Code!


World Champion Athlete, Matt Furey, has a great course on the ancient Chinese practice of Dao Zou. This uses backward motion as it’s core.
This course worked wonders to help my knee feel better. And improve my fitness overall. I have no affiliation or relationship with Matt, or his course, I just recommend it because of its great value. It’s different. He’s amazing. Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out for yourself.

We are very fortunate to live at this time in history when so much has been discovered about how our body and mind work.

In fact, just today I received an email from MJ DeMarco, author of bestselling book, “The Millionaire Fastlane”, talking about exactly this principle. He says:

Embrace the Opposites: By choosing to do the opposite of what is considered “mainstream” or “expected,” you can uncover novel ways of thinking and acting. This can lead to creative solutions, unexpected opportunities, and personal growth.”

Sadly, once folks leave the formal schooling system, the majority will never read a book. Never take a class. Never endeavor to learn anything new outside of what is essential to maintain their employment.

But that’s not you. You’re reading this. You found this blog. This website.

You’ve already set yourself on course for the better life.

The value of reading this, or anything really, is limited to amusement though, if in the end you do nothing with the information you’ve read.

So here are 10 easy ways to get the ball rolling in reverse:

  1. Whether you start dressing from your socks or your top, reverse it tomorrow. Then often.
  2. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed tonight. Maybe sideways tomorrow, if you have a king bed!
  3. Brush teeth with the other (non-dominant) hand tonight.
  4. Use your non-dominant hand for everything you possibly can tomorrow.
  5. Eat dinner for breakfast, then breakfast for dinner.
  6. Eat dessert first.
  7. Shower in the morning if you usually shower at night. Or vise-versa.
  8. Shower with cold water instead of hot.
  9. Park your car backward next time, if you usually pull in forward.
  10. Write the alphabet forwards, then backwards. Practice it daily until you’ve got it.

Going in reverse can help jump start your brain and start reversing the boredom and mental decline that often comes with aging. And in so many cases – it’s easy to do!

When you combine reversal, with the previous article on slow, you have a potent combination at your disposal which will add much joy and richness to your life.

Slow is the faster way to get better.
And going backward can be the best way forward.

Changing how you think, changes how you live.

Try it for yourself now and see!

“Bene Vivere!”

Bob Elderbob Schwarztrauber

P.S. Turns out using the power of backwards, or opposites, is also a great way to get unstuck. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s business partner suggests, instead of asking yourself, “What could I do to get rich?”, ask, “What could I do to NOT be poor?” You already know many of those answers. Start there. Additionally, Earl Nightingale advised, “The majority are not successful. If you want to be successful in life, you can’t go far wrong by just doing the opposite of what the majority are doing”. If you find yourself wanting to be in the top 10% percent of anything, don’t do what the other 90%, who are NOT at the top 10%, are doing.”

P.P.S. I have a workbook which will be ready for sale by month’s end, packed full of “backward” or “reverse” activities you can do at home to jump start your brain. Pages and templates to help learn the alphabet backward, write backward, memorize to the power of 2, code the alphabet by assigning numbers to each letter. and even the trick Jerry Sienfeld used to create his multi-million dollar comedic success. Plus more! Send an email to if you’d like to receive advanced notice to be sure you get a copy. You don’t want to miss it!

Image of Ad for Knee Pain Sufferers

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