Showing 13 Result(s)
sleep tips for seniors

6 Senior Sleep Tips

Not sleeping enough is a huge health problem. One that’s seldom discussed, even by doctors. Learn the harm sleep deprivation creates and lifesaving tips on how to fix this to live a longer, healthier life.

easiest way to make new friends

Making New Friends After 50

How do you make new friends after 50? It gets harder as we get older, but Elderbob has some great tips on exactly where to meet the kind of people you’ll like best. People who will instantly like you for you as well! Making friends after 50 doesn’t have to be hard. These 10 best ways to make friends after 50 info make it easy.

Why This Dirty Old Man Must Die

“I saw the part of you that only when you’re older you will see too.” Opening lyrics from the song, “You’re Somebody Else” by Flora Cash When will the “dirty old man” get his day in court? The awful “N” word is dared not spoken. “Black people” is deemed inappropriate for use in polite society. …