Showing 87 Result(s)

Elderbob’s PowerHealth Brew Recipe

Every day begins the same for Elderbob…how about you? Rise with the sun. Visit the loo. Have breakfast. Predictability is a “big thing” with The Elder. Disrupt any one of the three and he’s convinced the day is doomed. With every odd or bad thing that happens that day I’ll here, “See. I told you …

Why Steal Dogs

I Steal Dogs Back in my college days I had a dog. A fun loving, smart golden lab named “Dusty”. He and I were very much alike so we got along great. We both loved to go out and have fun! We’d take walks a lot. He liked it when pretty girls would say how …

You and Fast Celebrity

Yesterday I invited my daughters out to lunch. We had a great time too. Good food. Good conversation. Loads of laughs. They’re great. The food was is good, but the Japanese Hibatchi and Sushi menu is limited in selections I enjoy. Admittedly, I’m a somewhat picky eater. Its a 30 minute drive too. Despite these …

7 Free Ways To Die…Later

It’s better to live longer, right? If you’re happy and healthy.Better to die later, much later if possible? Seems everywhere you look there’s a new productbeing offered for sale that will improve ourlife, our body, our mind. We can be healthier, have more energy, be less fat, build muscles, be smarter, be more focused, more …

Why Write for Wealth?

Former Chrysler Chairman, Lee Iacocca, once told me (in a book) that,“You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but if you can’t communicate them to other people, what’s the value?” (I’m paraphrasing Lee, ‘cuz “The Elder” forgets a lot, but that’s the gist of it) I was very smart at the time (or …

stroke signs

Sneaky Stroke Signs

Many people die each year, and many more suffer needless and permanent physical impairment because they fail to recognize and seek immediate treatment for the subtle and sneaky symptoms of stroke. Do you know all the signs?

Bad Things Happen…After 50

I used to be one person. Until I turned 50. Then my body was abducted by an alien! I call him, “The Elder”. Here’s what happened: One fateful night, I was awakened from my slumber at 3am by a strange, nagging sensation. I’d felt this feeling before, but never in the middle of the night. …