Elderbob’s PowerHealth Brew Recipe

Every day begins the same for Elderbob…how about you?

Rise with the sun. Visit the loo. Have breakfast.

Predictability is a “big thing” with The Elder.

Disrupt any one of the three and he’s convinced the day is doomed. With every odd or bad thing that happens that day I’ll here, “See. I told you this was going to be a messed up day.”

As if “The Gods” were watching specifically over his morning routine.

Lately, begrudgingly, he’s allowed me to add one small detail that helps us feel more energetic, more protected, more healthy.

It took a while to get it right. I don’t just carelessly throw things into the morning routine willenillie lest I incur The Elder’s formidable rath.

But this one was worth the wait.

Here’s what it does for me and could do for you if you wisely adopt it…

  • Gives you 3 compounds that aid digestion, fight acid reflux, and ulcers
  • Gives you 4 vitamins and minerals you need: Vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium
  • Reduces body toxins, especially in the GI tract
  • Contains Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti-fungal ingredients
  • Contains compounds that were shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Strengthens bones, increases immunity, fights kidney stone formation, fights muscle cramps, reduces arthritis symptoms
  • Improves mood and fights depression

Enormous health benefits from a tea that’s cheap and quick to make, and tastes great hot or cold!

Just 5 simple, commonly sourced ingredients and Bob’s your uncle you’ve got a healthy, energizing drink to start your day right.

If you’re interested in learning more about his life-enhancing PowerHealth brew, including the simple recipe, I have it posted on Pinterest.

Here’s the link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/943363453173246760/

“Bene Vivere!”

Bob Schwarztrauber