Showing 8 Result(s)

Accepting the Pain to Grow

Pain. We spend most of our life trying to avoid it. Trying to get rid of it when it comes. What if that strategy is all wrong? Growth occurs mostly after some pain. We want growth. Maybe we should be accept pain and seek out more of it instead of less?

Rebuilding Notre Dame and the Elder

Notre Dame Burns… “Bones destroyed. Expensive to repair. Some parts unavailable to replace.” “Sounds like me,” Elder said, We were listening to the news of the Notre Dame fire while having breakfast. “We’ll do all we can to restore her, keep her alive,” French President Macron says. (OK, I’m paraphrasing, you got me! But that’s …

Is Your Scary Open Brain App Running?

It was 89 degrees and humid as all get-out when her brothers asked me, “Would you like to play some basketball?” The whirling electric fan was just a few feet from my face. It was the only place I felt comfortable since my arrival in the Philippines. They say you get used to the heat, …