Showing 8 Result(s)

Is Your Scary Open Brain App Running?

It was 89 degrees and humid as all get-out when her brothers asked me, “Would you like to play some basketball?” The whirling electric fan was just a few feet from my face. It was the only place I felt comfortable since my arrival in the Philippines. They say you get used to the heat, …

Which Failures Matter?

The armed Taliban soldier boarded the bus in October of 2012 and angrily shouted, “Tell me who is Malala!”. When 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai bravely raised her hand, hepromptly shot her in the head, nearly killing her. Who would have known that day would be the foundation of success rather than failure? Afterward, Malala knew she …

Why This Dirty Old Man Must Die

“I saw the part of you that only when you’re older you will see too.” Opening lyrics from the song, “You’re Somebody Else” by Flora Cash When will the “dirty old man” get his day in court? The awful “N” word is dared not spoken. “Black people” is deemed inappropriate for use in polite society. …